Monday, May 21, 2018

Twilight Zone Assignment: Eye of the Beholder

     In the episode of the “Twilight Zone,” we see how discrimination takes place in society. We notice this with Janet Taylor and the staff at the hospital, and how she tries so hard just to fit in. It is an interesting episode, because the people who are “normal” have deformed faces and Janet does not, which makes her ugly. She goes through eleven surgeries just to try to get people to like her but it does not work. It relates to real life, because people always try to fit in with someone by changing their aspects. It relates to my personal life, because I was doing the same thing, when people would make fun of my cultural background. We see the discrimination take action, when the man on the television says how it is time to separate the people into two groups. And how Janet does not find it right that people should be put into groups. In our society people discriminate on how you are physically, mentally, and just being you in general. Maybe someday in the future, there will be a day where there will be just one category that states humanity as just humans in our society.

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